The ability to read, write and analyse; the confidence to stand up and demand justice and equality; the qualifications and connections to get your foot in that door and take your seat at the table - all of that starts with education.
Michelle Obama

CFPS Jubilee Day

27 May

As part of our celebrations of the Queens' Platinum Jubilee, we held a number of special events. This included a dress in red, white and blue day and a special dinner time picnic on our field. Fortunately, the weather was perfect for this event and everybody really enjoyed it.

Throughout the week, in our art lessons, pupils created art work of the Queen. Below are a few examples of some of the fantastic work produced. I think the Queen herself would probably like to have some of these hung around the palace. 

 All of the pupils at our school were given a special book and coin to keep as keepsakes to remind them of this unique event for a monarch. 


Over the last week, each year group has been learning a dance from a decade of the Queen's reign. Please see the video below - We hope that you enjoy our performances. Please note, that due to YouTube policies the music on the Year 5 video has unfortunately been muted. We apologise for this.